Do you feel like Earth is not your true home? Are you fascinated with extraterrestrials and space? Have you always felt different from those around you? Then you are very likely a Starseed. Being a Starseed on Earth today is pretty exciting. We are in times of ascension, a very crucial point in Earth’s history, where we are going from the 3rd dimension to the 4th and 5th dimensions of existence together. Starseeds play an important role in helping humanity through this exciting but chaotic transition.
“The atoms of our bodies are traceable to stars that manufactured them in their cores and exploded these enriched ingredients across our galaxy, billions of years ago. For this reason, we are biologically connected to every other living thing in the world. We are chemically connected to all molecules on Earth. And we are atomically connected to all atoms in the universe. We are not figuratively, but literally stardust.” – Neil deGrasse Tyson
What is a Starseed?
Starseeds are advanced souls living in human form on Earth today whose spirits have, at some point in history, originated from other planets, dimensions or galaxies. A call for help was sent out into the Universe to help Earth conquer the negative forces that long have been in control here, and help humanity transition into the golden age/fifth dimension. If you are a Starseed, it means you said yes to the call and came here as a galactic volunteer. However, most Starseeds are not aware of their unique gifts and have forgotten their cosmic origins and mission on Earth. Just like any soul who incarnates on a third-dimensional planet like Earth, they had to go through a veil of forgetfulness, ultimately forgetting they are spiritual beings living a temporary human experience.
Most Starseeds are old souls and have lived several lifetimes on Earth to prepare for the time of Ascension that we are in now. You may have heard of me speak of ‘end times incarnators’ – these are souls that choose particularly cataclysmic timelines in order to be of service to humanity in times of need. However, Starseeds will not know their soul’s mission until they have had their awakening. This awakening can be instant or gradual, but it always includes a ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ where they temporarily go through a dark or chaotic period if their life, before they rise from the ashes and awaken. Most Starseeds on Earth are from the Pleiades, Sirius, Orion, Arcturus or Andromeda.
50 signs that you may be a Starseed
You are highly sensitive. You easily feel overwhelmed and drained when you are in a place with many people and with intense stimuli – like shopping malls, clubs, and networking events. You might also be sensitive to stimulants like coffee, alcohol and even dark chocolate. You are sensitive to scary and violent movies and video games and make a point to avoid them.
You have always felt like you don’t belong. You find it difficult to fit into groups of people and you often felt lonely in school and at work. You probably have a few close friends you vibe with and can be yourself with, but you are not one of those people with hundreds of friendships. Many people are drawn to your light, but you are very picky with who you spend your time with.
You find society hostile. You feel sad about how we are damaging the planet, poverty, the debt-based economy, greedy leaders, fear-based media, etc.
You are intelligent. Starseeds are usually smarter than the average, however, this doesn’t always translate into good grades in school. In fact, many starseeds did not enjoy school and are not fans of Earth’s school system.
You are going through or have gone through a spiritual awakening.
You are into holistic health. You don’t trust Big Pharma and only resort to Western medicine when you have to. You prefer to use herbs, sound healing, reiki, acupuncture and other natural options, that don’t have the nasty side effects and go deeper than just hiding the symptoms.
You are peace-loving and don’t believe wars are the way to solve problems. You don’t understand why people would sign up to the army.
You are highly intuitive and you usually make decisions based on your intuition rather than logic or common sense.
You are good at reading between the lines. You can easily spot when people are lying and see behind the mask people hide behind. Genuineness is therefore something you value highly.
You have a fascination with flying. Perhaps you enjoy flying in your dreams or are into paragliding or skydiving.
You are into conspiracy theories. You probably love the movie The Matrix, and if you were in the movie you would pick the red pill any day. Ignorance is NOT bliss according to you.
You are a wise, old soul. You’ve always felt more mature than your age group, and might have older friends because of this. This made you stand out as a kid and you might even have been bullied in school because of it.
You love sci-fi and/or space. You might be a big Star Wars or Star Trek fan, or simply always been fascinated with the moon and the stars.
You have had a near-death experience caused by an accident or out-of-body experiences like astral projection and sleep paralysis.
You feel like you have a big mission in this lifetime. However, you might have no clue what it is. You just feel an urge and responsibility to help the planet and humanity in some way.
You have psychic or paranormal abilities. You might have had dreams that came true, a third eye awakening, experienced astral projection, seen ghosts, had encounters with angels or extraterrestrials when meditating etc.
You love nature. You feel very drawn to nature and feel it’s important to be in nature every day. You love camping or going on forest walks.
You feel drawn to a vegetarian diet. You think it’s important to eat foods that are natural, preferably organic and alive. You can’t help feeling guilty when eating meat and are strongly against factory farming.
You have unexplainable memories, where something makes no sense or doesn’t add up.
You are spiritual. You believe in God and that we are all One, but you don’t adhere to any specific religion. You love talking about the supernatural and paranormal and you keep people close who you can have these types of conversations with.
You love animals, and animals love you. Sometimes you even prefer the company of a pet than humans! It’s an unconditional, non-judgemental kind of love you rarely get from humans. Animal cruelty is one of the biggest frustrations you have with the world.
Sometimes you feel homesick on earth. You feel like it’s not your true home and that you belong in the stars.
You are constantly searching for your life purpose and you have tried tools like astrology, numerology and tarot cards to get closer to finding it.
You have had dreams about aliens and spaceships. You have had paranormal dreams and sometimes they have felt very real.
You believe in extraterrestrials and that most are positive.
You read about Starseeds. The fact that you are reading this is a big indication that you could be a Starseed. You wouldn’t be attracted to this article otherwise.
You have seen UFOs. You’ve seen spaceships in the night sky and maybe you have even had visits physically, during psychedelics or in a dream state.
You are an empath and can easily pick up on others’ emotions. Even if someone says they are fine, you can pick up on what they really are feeling.
You have memories or a feeling you have lived on another planet.
Sometimes you feel disappointed by your body, it’s so dense, heavy and fragile! You wish you could do telekinesis, levitate, fly, etc and you feel like you used to be able to do that. The reason why many Starseed feel this is because their consciousness actually comes from distant star systems, where existence operates on much higher dimensions.
You love reading. You are especially fond of spiritual books like The Power of Now and Conversations with God, and if you are more into fiction books, then you might be a big fan of the Harry Potter or Lord of The Rings sequels.
You are very good at problem-solving, better than the average person.
You have low blood pressure and low body temperature. You easily get cold. Or the other way, you easily get hot and don’t need to dress up as warmly as others in winter.
Sometimes you feel that your biological parents are not your real parents, or that you have another family in the stars.
You had imaginary friends as a child.
You are sensitive to electronics. Your supercharged energy has led to electronic appliances break in your presence, lights flickering, electric shocks often, etc.
You have a feeling you have lived many lives and you believe in reincarnation.
You often experience feelings of deja vu.
You are a dreamer. You daydream a lot. You have big dreams for your future. You might also be into lucid dreaming.
You believe in karma – what goes around comes around. You make sure to not create more karma and follow the golden rule of treating others as you want to be treated.
Touch is one of your primary love languages – you like being touched and hugged.
You are a lone wolf and have no problems being alone for long stretches of time. Most Starseeds I know are introverts, including myself.
You are highly creative and full of ideas. You always have a new passion project you are working on. It doesn’t have to be an art you pursue, but could be an instrument or coming up with business ideas.
You enjoy being nude and barefoot and prefer non-restrictive clothes.
You feel drawn to crystals and own a few (or many). You love going into crystal shops and touching the different crystals and feeling their energy.
You are into healing. You might love to listen to Tibetan bowl sound healing, taken a course in Reiki, taken Ayahuasca to heal traumas etc.
You love to travel more than the average person and value freedom. You might feel tempted to go off-grid or become a nomad.
You have a special fascination for ancient civilisations like Ancient Egypt, Atlantis and the Incas.
You want to meet extraterrestrials and might be very nerdy about the topic.
You have a desire to find people of your kind. You might join (or start) book clubs, Facebook groups, retreats in high energy places etc.
What is a Starseed’s purpose?
The main purpose of Starseeds is to serve humanity at this time of Ascension, with their unique gifts and wisdom. A lot of the work is happening when your body is sleeping but even when you are just going about your day you are anchoring divine light into Mother Earth and affecting everyone around you. You are doing Earth a huge favour, just by being here. Starseeds have incarnated on Earth many times to learn how humanity and Earth works and how it is to be human. We all come in with a soul contract, signed before birth, on what we want to accomplish this lifetime on Earth. This mission will look very different from Starseed to Starseed, but it always involves spreading your light to humanity in your own unique way. Most often, your inner child knows the answer to the question – what lights you up?
What is a Starseed soul family?
Although it may feel lonely at times, know that you are never alone as a Starseed. Starseeds are incarnated with other Starseeds that they reunite with throughout their life, who help and support them. When you are incarnated here, your soul family are forgotten due to the veil of forgetfulness, but your soul will know when you encounter one today. Your Starseed soul family are easy to spot. You will feel like you have known them for many lifetimes. You can have deep, spiritual conversations from the heart with your soul family and they will not judge you. You know you can trust them completely and that they are here to help you on your mission. I always know a fellow Starseed when I see one – not only because I can ‘sense’ it in their energy and aura, but by their eyes. They say they are the windows to the soul, and so, when I look into another Starseed’s eyes… I just know. I hope this article resonates with you… and if you’ve ready this far, welcome home! It’s so nice to see you again x
If you would like to take a deep dive into your soul’s memory, Starseed origins and your mission on earth, click here to read more about my completely personalised 8 Week program, Initiation: Starseed Ascension School.